Friday 23 November 2012

Jim's log 23/11/12

We are still in the process of creating our master prezi, i have had to rearrange my original prezi to make it easier for everything to be moved into the master prezi so at the moment my prezi is a shambles to say the least, but the group prezi is looking really well. Also we have created some new videos to be used as examples and practice. Joel is also working on some photoshop work and is creating excellent images that will help in making the digi pack.

This is jim, signing off.

Friday 9 November 2012

Jim's Log 6-11-12

Now we have been informed of the song we are going to be creating a video for, it is called 'Ill wind' and it is from 'Our Krypton Son's' brand new album. This song is very upbeat and has a very catchy tune. We have begun creating our master prezi. This is an amalgamation of all of are prezis into one master prezi conatining the best from everyones research.

This is jim signing off