Tuesday 14 May 2013


Below is the link taking you to our website.

Final Piece, OKS ill wind


Below is the video of my evaluation of out music video

The Bands response to the final video

The band said that they where really impressed with the video that we had created and that they really enjoyed working with us and that he would love to work with us again.

Review of the video from STA Label Manager

The STA label manager said that she really liked our video, she said that it was random , but only in the best of ways. She also said she was surprised at the talent we had and that she was not at this level at this age.

This was a lovely way to describe or video, we are more than pleased with the response.

Friday 19 April 2013

Jim's Log 19/04/13

Between my last update and this one a lot has occurred, we have finished all our filming  after a long time, the road was long but the results were worth it , our footage is brilliant and we have begun the editing process. We have also begun the design of the website and are looking into ideas for our digi pack. The website is starting to take shape and at the moment we are gathering the media to be put into the website like the banner and logos. For now we will keep working on with our editing and the rest and i will keep you posted on how things are going more regularly since i will not be too busy filming.

This is Jim, signing off.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Jim's log 27/2/13

We have received a reply from OKS, they have said that they don't feel our ides suit there image so , they provided examples of work they want the video to be like and we are currently drawing up new ideas. This may take some time but we will get it done.

This is Jim, Signing off.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

FInal Group Prezi

This is our groups final prezi that we are going to send to our band.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Jim's log 24/1/13

Today we sent the master Prezi of all our ideas and research to the band to get their feedback on the ideas and allow them t let us know any ideas that they have for videos. We are also now in direct contact with the band via e-mail to allow us to keep them up to date with our progression with the video and for them to be able to send us any queries or quandaries they may have.

This is Jim, signing off.

Monday 21 January 2013

Jim's Log 21/01/2013

We have finished our master prezi for Our Krypton Son, complete with artwork ideas, video ideas and artist research. We planned out in detail 3 ideas for videos, they included a school dance idea a live performance and an idea of having memories play out. Now we are doing our research on target audiences, this will allow us to see what fans of the genre expect from the bands videos.

This is Jim, signing off.