Friday 21 September 2012

Analysis More Than Conquerors - Rage Against the Machine

The video for "Rage Against the Machines(RAM)" "Killing in the Name of" is amazingly similar to the video for "Bear Knuckle Fight" by more than conquerors, so much in fact that you could probably say that more than Conquerors may have drawn some inspiration from RAM's video. 

The first big thing that you notice when watching both videos is the constant flashing lights which is typical of live performances in general. The effect is an extremely effective way to show the energy that is in the atmosphere at one of the band live shows where by the entire crowd is jumping and everyone is enjoying themselves. 

In the videos both bands use a lot of fast shot changes to move between the band members and the crowd which demonstrates the bands focus on the fans and how they see themselves as being part of a group or a community with their followers. Both bands make full use of focus pulls to create smooth transitions between shots which is like you are looking from the crowds point of view and the person in blinking.

In the videos members of the band jump into the crowd symbolising their bond with the members of the audience and the fact that they are all one big community. This is used by both bands and it really represents them as what they believe and that is putting the fans first.

The atir worn in the videos are also very similar in that the band either wears normal clothes i.e. t-shirt and trousers or they have no top on which shows the bare bones attitude both bands  take to music as they believe that the music should speak for itself.

The Black and white effect that is used at the start of the video symbolises the fact that what is being said is black and white i.e. the singer doesn't hide anything he says what he feels and you see what he thinks just from what he says which was RAM's ethos where by they wanted to stick it to the man and to quote the name Rage Against the Machine.

The way in which the lead singer stands and sings to the crowd is almost like he is a religious leader preaching to his congregation, or maybe even a cult leader. This is actually how RAM portrait themselves as a movement against governmental control. The singer could be said to be rallying his followers against the "Man" which was really the whole ethos behind the band.

When Tom Morello play his guitar solo the camera sways from side to side and superimposition is used this creates the feeling of being high which thus refers to the bands music as being like a drug. This was also used in the more than conquerors video.

The two band are extremely similar but different in there own accords due to the differences of time between them.

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